
Tuesday, 17 September 2013

My Favourite Book

Today Is Tuakana Teina day. I have a partner and her name is Helen.
We all have  work to finish and this is one of the work
we finished.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Spelling - Syllabification


Review = Re - view
Interview = Inter - view
particular = Par - tic - ular
acquire = Ac - quire
experience = Ex - peri - ence
express = Ex - press
guideline = Guide - line
quiet = Qui - et
partial = Par - tial

thoroughly = Tho - rough - ly

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Best Letter Poem

Best Letter Poem

Sake, Simon, Sione, Sau and Sam all love their mother.

Snakes, Scorpions and Sheeps are all animals.
Stomachs, Shoulders and Spines help you with your living.

Emotions Poem

Emotions Poem

Companionship is a telephone that always ring.
Companionship is a person with plenty of friends.
Companionship is everyone remembering your birthday.
Companionship is spending every week with friends.
Companionship is setting a table not only for yourself.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Cyber Smart Scenarios

Adverb Poem

This is my Adverb Poem. Hope you enjoy.

K-KindI-Intelligent N-NiceI-Interesting